Master of Science in Architecture - Specialisation in Town Planning ( ČVUT- FAKULTA ARCHITECTURY ) -Prague Czech Republic 1965-1972
Attended Seminars for Specialisation in Town-Planning National Technical University of Athens 1973
Postgraduate studies in Ekistics - Athens Center of Ekistics (A.C.E.) 1973-1974
Architecture History and Restoration Seminars - NTUA 1974-1976
Postgraduated studies in France ' The Evolution of the Agora in Ancient Corinth, until its destruction’. École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris 1975
Postgraduated studies and Visiting Professor - University College of Los Angeles U.C.L.A , USA 1987-1990
Public Sector- Ministry of Culture 1974-2012
Freelancing Urban Planning 1972-1992
Restoration Works of the Acropolis Monuments, Erechtheion, Propylaea 1974-1987
Teaching at the USA Universities 1987- 1990
Consultant at the Getty Center for the Humanities, Los Angeles – USA. 1986-1990
Lecturer at Loyolα Marymount University, Department of Classical Studies- History of Art, History of Town Planning and Architecture,Theory of Reconstructions 1988-1989
Research Associate at the University of the Aegean - Department of Environment 1990-1994
Byzantine and Christian Museum (V.CH.M) 1997-2012

Avgi E. Tzakou is an architect, museum / exhibition designer (M.Sc.) specialising for the last 25 years in museum and exhibition design, installations and curation of museum exhibitions in Greece and abroad.
She was born in Athens, on April 6, 1946.
Attended her elementary studies in the 5th elementary School, at Pefkakia on Lycabettus hill, designed by Dimitris Pikionis (1931-32). Went to the 2nd high school of Athens (Marasleio, from 1958- 1964).
Studied Architecture, at the Technical University of Prague – Czech Republic, between the years 1966-1972, after learning the Czech language, in a school in Dobruška- Moravia. Decided to specialise in Town Planning – studies for two years in the department of town planning.
Served as a Public Emloyee at the Ministry of Culture, between the years 1975 – 2012. In the beginning of her carrier, she has been dealing with a special domain of architecture, such as reconstruction and restoration of Monuments, specifically regarding the Reconstruction of the Acropolis Monuments (1975- 1986).
Between the years 1998 – 2012, she served at the Byzantine Museum of Athens after specialising in museum design and museography, as well as specific display techniques and conservation matters, regarding the environment of museums.
Among other projects, she has designed the Museographical study for the permanent collections of the post-byzantine era (after the fall of Costantinople – the 19th century, all the phases of the project, up to its final implementation in 2010).
Studied and designed a certified personal patent regarding the depot of the central archaeological storage areas for the Byzantine Museum in Athens, implemented as well at the Numismatic Museum.
While serving in the Department D.M.S & C.B (Directorate of Museum Studies and Culture Buildings), she has designed the café and the garden at the Numismatic Museum, as well as the Depot for the Numismatic Museum -a certified personal Patent.
Participated in the presentation of the Collections of the Herakleion Archaeological Museum – Crete (2008-2014), where she designed the Museographical study for all the phases of the project, up to its final implementation. The Museum was inaugurated in May 2014.
Between the years 2002-2006 she has undertaken the Museographical study for the Kissamos Archaeological Museum – Crete. She as well supervised the construction and its implementation. Inaugurated in August 2006.
Designed the Museographical study for the Nissyros Archaeological Museum 2002- 2006. Inaugurated in August 2011.
Designed Museographical study for the Rhodes Archaeological Museum 2000- 2002 and the display cases as well. The Museum was inaugurated in August 2011.
Designed the following International Exhibitions:
- ‘Treasured Offerings’ Greek Relics from the Cathedral of Saint Sophia in London, at the Hellenic Centre – London- Paddington, 1998.
- ‘ Conversation with God’ an Exhibition that was transferred from the Byzantine Museum in Athens at the Hellenic Centre in London- Paddington.
- Florence Second Cultural Capital of Europe: ‘From Mythos to Logos’ Exhibition transferred from the archaeological Museum of Athens. Palazzo Strozzi,1986.
During the years 1989 – 1993 has been working at the University of the Aegean in Lesvos at the Department for the Environment, creating proposals regarding the management for the Old City of Rhodes such as: Erasmus, Stride και Tempus.
She has been working as a consultant to the Getty Centre For the History of Art and the Humanities – Department of Antiquities. Organised the holdings of the centre archives on the history of reconstruction of the Acropolis monuments and proposed the orientation on future acquisitions from archives and libraries in Europe.
- Lecturer at Loyola Marymount University 1988 – 89: in the Department of Classics / Art History for the Courses: ‘The Monuments of Greece’. (History of Architecture, Town Planning and Reconstructions).
- Visiting Professor στο U.C.L.A. 1988 – 1989.
Studied also Graphic Systems (Pascal and Turbo C) with Professor C. Eastman 1988 – 1989.
- Posgraduate studies(1976-1978) in the École pratique des hautes études with Prof. Rolland Martin.
Published many studies and presented a series of Lectures: in Athens, London, Los Angeles, Prague.
I am quoting the latest publications:
- Avgi E. Tzakou, ‘The Archaeological Museum of Heraklion – Museographical approaches’ – Papers from 4th Meeting for the Archaeological Work in Crete, 2021.
- Avgi E. Tzakou, ’ Museography and Architecture a dialogue’. Periodical edition Research regarding Museology, at the University of Athens, 2013, Volume 8-9, pages 91-10.
- Avgi E. Tzakou, ‘The Byzantine Museum: A challenge and a bet’ – Periodical edition ‘ILISSIΑ’, 2009-2010, Volume 5-6, pages12-21.
- Avgi E. Tzakou, ‘Designing Specialised Storage units (Depots) for Museums’- Periodical edition ‘ILISSIA’, 2008, Volume 2, pages. 60-68.
Avgi E. Tzakou
Athens, August 2021